We’ll keep this week open to respond to your evolving interests and needs and our evolving pandemic policies. We could plug in a lesson I’ve already (partly) assembled, crowdsource a new lesson, host a workshop, or, if public health conditions allow, plan a field trip or design a short team ethnography.
You have spoken, and we have listened! In response to both your survey requests and our discussion in our March 29 class, we’ve decided to divide this week’s class into three acts:
- first, an opportunity to reflect on some of the semester’s readings, videos, and podcasts that resonated most strongly for you;
- second, two rounds of small group conversations, where you can workshop your final projects; and
third, for the few of you who expressed an interest in academic publishing, an open discussion on the topicthird, an AMA/open discussion on topics of your choice (in your surveys, some of you mentioned academic publishing, course design, design’s potential role in addressing some of the institutional challenges we’re been addressing all semester, etc).
To Prepare for This Week:
- We’ll collectively create a commonplace book (or florilegium) to collate the readings, screenings, and podcasts – and the passages from those texts – that most strongly resonated for us this semester! Please skim over the first ten weeks of our class website to refresh your memory regarding what we’ve read, watched, and listened to; and choose one or two texts that affected you most profoundly. Then, please complete this survey by 11:59pm on Monday, April 11, to share your two chosen texts, along with a short passage (no more than 100 words!) or image (upload a screenshot!) from each text that crystallizes its resonance for you! I’ll then organize this material into a booklet that will guide our discussion in class.
- Here’s our book! Thanks, Henry!
- Please be prepared to share your work in progress for your final project. This might entail bringing some sketches, sharing a rough outline, or simply gathering your thoughts. Consider: what are you unsure about, what would you like to think through with your classmates, what kind of feedback would best support your work?
- Think about what you’d like to know about academic publishing, course design, design’s potential contribution to “academic repair,” or any of the other themes you proposed on your mid-semester survey. We can talk about peer review in our “Evaluation” week – but what else would you like to discuss? Let’s crowdsource our questions and interests on this Google Doc, so we can make sure to focus our discussion on the topics of most interest to you!