Your self-syllabi (i.e., final project proposals) will be due, via Google Drive, by Friday, March 25 @ 5pm ET. I’ll review and respond by Tuesday. In class, you’re each invited to take two minutes to (informally) share your plans (no need for slides!).
Then, in the second half of class, we’ll talk about the workshop itself – as well as other species of academic events: conferences, symposia, seminars, lectures, meetings, and perhaps even salons and happenings – as academic genres, as epistemological, pedagogical, and political forms, as Foucauldian dispositifs or Bourdieuian habitus. We’ll consider how we can experiment with formats in planning our two improvisatory, crowdsourced sessions in mid-April, and in sharing our final projects in May. What kind of ambience do we want to cultivate? How do we invite people into a gathering, organize our physical and virtual spaces, design our agendas, scaffold sociality, etc?
To Prepare for Today:
- Because you’ll be busy finalizing your syllabi for submission, you needn’t read anything to prepare for today, but I’ll be drawing (aspirationally!!) on the list of resources below as I guide our discussion!
On Gatherings and Hospitality:
- Mark Allen and Rachel Seligman, eds., The Machine Project: The Platinum Collection (Prestel, 2017): plenty of examples of organizing workshops.
- Irina Aristarkhova, Arrested Welcome: Hospitality in Contemporary Art (University of Minnesota Press, 2020) [thanks to Garrett Laroy Johnson!].
- Maha Bali on “Intentionally Equitable Hospitality and Liberating Structures” (May 5, 2021) and “Intentionally Equitable Hospitality as Fable (November 8, 2019) Reflecting Aloud – and more here!
- Rachel Berger, with Meg Bisineer, Sara Dean, and Janette Kim, A Toolkit for Gathering (Draw Down, 2022) [thanks to Camila Afandor!].
- adrienne maree brown, Holding Change: The Way of Emergent Strategy in Facilitation and Mediation (AK Press, 2021).
- Autumn Caines and Maha Bali, “‘Care in the Time of COVID-19: Learning from Virtually Connecting’s Intentionally Equitable Hospitality as Global Digital Citizenship,” OER20 (March 26, 2020) [thanks to Leo Havemann!].
- Center for Experimental Lectures.
- *+Civic Laboratory of Environmental Action Research (CLEAR)’s Lab Book and meeting protocol.
- Collaborative Event Ethnography.
- Esteban del Río, Michael Lovette-Colyer, and Lisa Nunn, “Come to the Table: Radical Hospitality and Communities of Belonging,” University of San Diego Humanities Center (March 19, 2021) [thanks to Hannah Holtzman!].
- +Design Studio for Social Intervention (Lori Lobenstine, Kenneth Bailey, and Ayako Maruyama), Ideas Arrangements Effects (DS4SA / Minor Compositions, 2020).
- The Feminist Geography Reading Group, “(Un)doing Academic Practice: Notes from a Feminist Geography Workshop,” Gender, Place & Culture 7:4 (2000).
- Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Generous Thinking: A Radical Approach to Saving the University (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019).
- Peter R. Gathje, “Hospitality in the Context of Academic Life,” Analytic Teaching 23:1 (2003) [thanks to Harun Šiljak!].
- Amy Gowan, ed., Meeting Grounds: On Locality, Community, Connection and Care (Onomatopee, 2020.
- Sandi Hilal, “The Right to Host,” e-flux Architecture (September 5, 2019) [thanks to Ana María León!].
- +In the Meantime, “Workshop: Being Slower Than Expected,” in Jesko Fezer and Studio Experimentelles Design, (How) Do We (Want to) Work (Together) as (Socially Engaged) Designers (In Neoliberal Times)? (Sternberg Press, 2021): 276-79.
- +Allan Kaprow, “How to Make a Happening,” UbuWeb (1968).
- Margaret Mead and Paul Byers, The Small Conference: An Innovation in Communication (Mouton, 1968).
- Margaret Price, “Access Imagined: The Construction of Disability in Conference Policy Documents,” Disability Studies Quarterly 29:1 (2009) [thanks to Casey Boyle!].
- Rehearsing Hospitalities: Companion 3 (Archive Books, 2021) [thanks to Devin Shepherd!].
- Dylan Ruediger and Danielle Cooper, “COVID-19 and the Future of the Annual Meeting,” Ithaka S+R (October 18, 2021).
- L. M. Sacasas, “Care, Friendship, Hospitality: Reflections on the Thought of Ivan Illich,” The Convivial Society (August 26, 2020) [thanks to Mita Williams!]; see also Illich on conviviality.
- Caroline Sinders, “Community Design, Codes of Conduct, etc.” Arena.
- *Caroline Sinders, “Designing for Community Health and Safe Spaces: The History of the JS Confs and Fighting Harassment to Maintain Healthy Open Source Communities (Ford and Sloan Foundations, 2020).
- *Caroline Sinders, Melinda Garcia, with Simply Secure, “‘What Does a Community Need?: Researching Remote Communities, Digital Events, Academic Conferences, and Tool Design During COVID19” (Convocation Research + Design / Sloan Foundation, 2021).
- Dean Spade, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Hil Malatino, and Savannah Shange, “Queer Care & Radical Hospitality,” Bonham Center for Sexual Diversity, University of Toronto, March 18, 2022 [thanks to Hannah Quinn and Rine Vieth!].
- Soile Veijola and Eeva Jokinen, “Coding Gender in Academic Capitalism,” ephemera 18:3 (2018) [thanks to Anni Kangas!].
- +Lois Weaver, “Public Address Systems”
- +Shawn Wilson, Research Is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods (Fernwood, 2008) [thanks to Jacqueline Wernimont!].
- +Caroline Woolard, Art Engagement Economy (Onomatopee, 2020): chapters 1 and 2 on organizing meetings; and Study Collaboration.
- And what about inviting people into academic spaces through course descriptions, office-hour and event sign-up protocols, “calls for proposals,” etc? On the latter, see Shana L. Redmon’s Twitter thread about the 2022 American Studies Association conference CFP (November 15, 2021) and Tao Leigh Goffe’s Twitter thread on the CFP as a genre (November 17, 2021).
- Thanks to everyone who responded to this Twitter inquiry 🙂